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Internet Marketing Promotion - No Product, No Website, No Problem

Have you heard the "gurus" tell you that your internet marketing promotion must have a website? I have too, but I can tell you that there is an easy way to run an entire internet marketing promotion with no product and no website.

Many people enter the internet marketing promotion business on a very small budget. Heck, most enter with no real budget at all. Creating and developing a product and website takes both time and money, something that is lacking when most new people start their business.

There is a simple and easy way to start earning real cash with no product and no website and I am going to tell you how to do it.

1.) Head over to Clickbank and join as an affiliate.

2.) Once your account is established look in the marketplace section and you will find literally thousands of products to choose from.

3.) Take a bit of time to learn what all of the numbers mean and then pick out a product that you like and would like to market.

4.) Begin marketing that product using every free form of advertising that you can find.

5.) Check your clickbank account regularly to see what you have sold.

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Internet and Businesses Online