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4 Steps to Creating a Completely Autopilot Income

In this series on I'd like to talk about the dream of having an autopilot income.

A lot of people who claim to teach internet marketing methods will tell you that there really is no such thing as an autopilot income and that people who tell you there such a thing are trying to rip you off.

They are right in a sense and wrong in a sense.

Most courses out there that claim to teach you how to make autopilot income really just teach you how to make "delayed" income. By delayed income I mean that you'll invest a lot of work for months in something like search engine optimization and then three months later you'll make a lot of money back. This is income, and it's fun to see that money roll into your account when you weren't expecting it, but it wasn't really auto pilot income.

This doesn't mean that making autopilot profits is impossible. You just need to really know what you are doing and learn how to automate every aspect of your business.

1. Automate Your Product: Sell digital products such as ebooks or ecourses instead of real books or materials. Once these are set up they can be delivered automatically and immediately to the customer no matter how far away you are from your computer. Physical products will always need some sort of shipment and you'll at least need to supervise someone who does the job labor. You can actually charge more for digital products with the right marketing and it's completely hands free.

2. Automate Your Payment System: Paypal makes this possible by allowing you to place a a payment link on a website you create.

3. Automate Your Delivery: A simple redirect from your "Buy Now" button generated within your Paypal account takes care of this easily.

4. Automate Your Traffic: There is really only one truly automated form of traffic generation that I know of. That is Pay Per Click. The only catch is it takes some extra effort to master the Pay Per Click system but it's nothing you can't handle. An effective AdWords campaign will drive visitors to your website from all over the world while you are chilling on the beach or wherever you want to be.

You will need to check in on your Pay Per Click campaigns to optimize and see how they're doing, but the rest of the time you have what most people thought was impossible: truly automated income.


Internet and Businesses Online