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Flipping Squidoo Lenses is the Money Making Opportunity of 2008

Why Should I Buy a Squidoo Lens?

Flipping Squidoo Lenses, is one of the internet's money making opportunities of 2008. Build a one page marketing site and flip it. Google loves Squidoo, and a lens can be indexed very quickly by Google. Actually, recently Yahoo has been very quick to index Squidoo as well. I am getting more traffic from Yahoo then Google with some of my Lenses.

Why Squidoo? Some people are doing very well with Squidoo. One man made as much as $1,000 (with affiliate links) in one month off one of these marketing tools. We personally get a good amount of traffic to our Estore, from Squidoo.

What is Squidoo? Squidoo is a Social Networking site. You can make one page websites called lenses, which, if you work at it, will drive traffic to your blog, website or affiliate links.

Squidoo Lens are an excellent resource for marketing your product or affiliate products. We use it to market our 3 online stores and our two blogs, and our traffic has increased substantially since we have been using Squidoo. Squidoo works, and it can work for you.

The one page websites, called lenses, are fairly easy to build. You will need 5 modules if you want to publish your site. Is this really enough? Can you put enough information on a website of this size? I don't think so. The saying is good content will bring you the traffic you need, and 5 basic modules is not enough.

You will also have to look for important keywords for your lens. This is going to put you at the top of your searches at Squidoo. This is going to take a good amount of time.

A good Squidoo Lens takes a good amount of effort, contrary to popular belief, that it just takes a few moments to throw one together. There is the keyword research. There is the basic research required for the 3 or 4 articles that should go on each lens. As a general rule, I find that it takes me over a day or more to write a decent lens. How much is a day's worth of time for you? And then there is the constant editing and updating. I try to edit a lens at least two times a week.

There is also the social book marketing that is need for each of these lenses. I try and list these lenses with no less than 10 sites! There is a lot more work involved in setting up and maintaining a Squidoo Lens than most people think.

Then there is the task of article writing to get traffic to your site. It takes me close to 4 hours to write the article, and then another three hours to submit these articles to Article sites. Wow, what a lot of work for a lens.

Do you have the time to set up a lens, and then get it going? If not, then you will want to buy one, or hire someone to put the Lens up for you.

There are some people like myself who like putting up websites/lenses and nursing them for a while and then sell them. The joy is in the creation, not in the keeping. I personally get a thrill every time I sell a lens.


Internet and Businesses Online