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How I Started My Internet Business on a Shoestring Budget

I meet newbie Internet Marketers all the time that are sucked in to the idea that they can retire in a few months from their online pursuit without an investment, hard work, and patience. The "Gurus" out there in many instances have gone years without making a profit or even losing money before they developed the skills and abilities needed to explode online. If you are interested in building a viable internet business but aren't willing to invest in your education and the necessary tools you need to succeed you should stop reading now because you are dreaming.

On the other hand, just because an investment is required doesn't mean you have to mortgage your house or sell your kids either. That said, I'll provide you some basic information you'll need to build your internet business on a shoe string budget.

First, let's take inventory of what you already have. The most important asset to your business is the existing skills and knowledge you already have. Maybe you are a professional realtor or high school baseball coach. These are areas that you already have expertise in that can be used to build your internet business from day one. Too often new Internet marketers want to sell or become overnight experts in areas they aren't familiar with. This takes too much time and requires a much steeper learning curve. Identify the areas you already have skills and knowledge in and build from there. For example, you enjoy hiking in your free time and have learned the important safety aspects needed to have a fun and successful hike. Consider writing a planning and safety guide on hiking. The cool thing about this approach is that it costs you nothing to get started.

Another great idea is the partnership or joint venture. There are hundreds, even thousands of Internet marketers and businesses that outsource much of the work they aren't interested in doing themselves. This is a great opportunity for you to receive services and tools for your business through bartering and exchanging your time for services like web hosting and design, copywriting and credit card processing as an example. Creating these alliances will also take you very far in your Internet business as relationships are still critically important in building an online enterprise.

Lastly, the option I chose to start my Internet business was a membership program. You can join an inexpensive associate program that will allow you to get involved with a company that teaches and trains Internet Marketing strategies and provides ongoing support. The great thing about this option is that you are working with like-minded individuals and it gives you an outlet to network and learn from one another. Oftentimes, these opportunities provide affiliate programs that allow you to resell the companies products and earn substantial commissions while you learn the ropes and build your business. These earn while you learn opportunities can be really great for the new Internet marketer on a tight budget that also needs the support to get their Internet business off the ground.


Internet and Businesses Online